Friday, April 15, 2022

New family member!

I omitted to mention the newest member of the family because I was waiting for a good photo! He, named Rooster, is an Akita, very cute and fluffy although growing by the day!


He is still a puppy and likes to pick up things e.g socks, shoes etc. but doesn't like to give them back!! He is going to be a big dog but this breed is known to be very loyal. I have taken him for a walk and have found that I can run when he takes off 🤣 mind you that's because he's pulling me!! I also manage pirouettes as he homes in on a smell or spots a squirrel! Good for fitness!!!

As I walk around blocks I am constantly trying to remember which side of the the road drivers use! Crossing the road is even worse - it's like my head is on a swivel! The houses are on big blocks and most are not fenced which seems a little strange. There are some very large houses too!

The weather is really changeable one day it was and humid the next it's down to minus at night and about 8C in the day. We've had a major storm, the rain was torrential! When a storm is due a siren sounds to warn the public that it's about to happen!

Justin and Lauren have sold their house and are moving to South Carolina on 16th June. Today it's 8C here but 24C in South Carolina!! Life will be much better for everyone there.

I'm always amazed at the variety of fruit and veg in the supermarkets and how fresh it is. I spotted yellow cauliflowers yesterday - wonder what they taste like!

I think there might be rather a lot of chocolate in this house on Sunday!

Happy Easter everyone!

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