Thursday, March 7, 2024

Arrived Cairns

 There's nothing like 'drama on the high seas! The tender journey from Airlie Beach to the ship took about 40 minutes. It was a gentle journey until the 'driver' of the tender increased the speed - suddenly, the area I  was sitting in filled with smoke!! I shot across the aisle. The lady next to me was nearly in my lap! I really thought we'd see flames, but luckily, that wasn't the case! Whatever had happened slowed us down, but we made it to the ship!

We sailed a bit later than we should have as one of the local cruise ships had to come alongside to allow the passengers to disembark. Otherwise, they might have been left behind! I see all sorts of 'exciting' happenings from my balcony!!!

We reached Cairns at 1pm to a typical tropical downpour. The ship came in 'nose' first, so I haven't taken my usual wake-up shot of my view - the dockside is not terribly attractive!! The ship is being turned at lunchtime, so I will get a much pleasanter afternoon picture!

Last night was the 'White Night' party. It was a real shame because the constant showers meant the tables and dancing couldn't be outside.

There have been quite a few tense days for some of the passengers who are on the world cruise. They learnt yesterday that they will not be going through the Red Sea but will go around Africa. They obviously have the chance to go that way or get off at other stops and be reimbursed. 

I am about to head to the Botanical Gardens with a couple of ladies, but it is teeming with rain - glad I bought a raincoat and brolly with me! Had a really interesting walk through the garden - so many unusual plants.

This afternoon, we sail to Papua New Guinea so I'm not sure how wifi will be!

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